



カレドニアンはそのひとホールひとホールが興奮を呼びます。それぞれのホールが際立った個性を備えており、プレーヤーに強烈な印象を与えるはずです。ティイング・グラウンドに立ったプレーヤーは、どのホールでもその変化の大きさに圧倒されるでしょう。景観の素晴らしさだけでなく、ダイナミックにうねりながら延びるフェアウェイ、巧みに配置されたバンカーとグリーンと池が、 プレーヤーの挑戦意欲をかきたてます。


一つとして類型のホールがない、戦略性に富んだ18ホールズは、それぞれが生き生きとして連携し、ハーモニーしあって続きます。これほど1番から18 番ホールに至るまで、リズムの整っているコースは、日本国内はもとより、世界でも数えるほどしかありません。

名設計家が世界の各地に、その地域の環境に調和した名作品と呼ばれるコースをいくつか残しています。しかし、カレドニアンのように全18 ホールがそれぞれ世界の名ホールに比肩できるコースは珍しいと、自信をもっていえます。



カレドニアンの最終ホール18 番の池は広く美しい。青い池を縁どる白い渚バンカーはギリシャ神話を彷彿させます。誰でもこの白い砂浜の横を通るとき、生命の神秘とゴルフの奥行きの深さを感じざるを得ないでしょう。




Address to the member of Caledonian golf club

Recently while walking the Caledonian golf course, I felt deeply moved. I would like to express my personal feelings and observations to the lucky members of this golf club, from the viewpoint of a golf course architect.

A hole by hole of review the Caledonian golf course is exciting, players should have a favorable impression because each hole presents its own distinct “personality”. When standing at the tee ground, you will be overwhelmed by the variations of every hole. Not only do the dynamic undulations and expansive fairways and the variety of greens, bunkers and ponds offer a beautiful vista from each tee, but they also provide players with a great challenge of skill.

Huge cedars, which have grown here for hundred's of years, give you a feeling of stillness and peace. One can keenly feel the happiness of playing golf here.

No two holes are the same, the strategically placed 18 holes are vividly yet harmoniously blended. The entire series of holes from #1 through #18 have excellent rhythm, in terms of playability, and there are not many courses that can attest to this in Japan or throughout the world.

Some famous architects have constructed a few golf courses several places in the world that are truly works of arts, they harmonize completely and fit in their immediate environment. I can say with confidence that the entire 18 holes of the Caledonian course rivals anything in its class on an international scale.

An artistic golf course is made by using the material of nature. To achieve this blending of artistry and nature to his end, and an owner with the vision to share this with him, Caledonian has exactly these elements, whenever a player steps onto a green at Caledonian he will be thrilled and challenged by the unique undulation and, as a result, he will be kept at a high level of excitement throughout his round of golf.

In this day and age, every Japanese golfer is familiar with a few world famous holes that are recognized for their challenge and difficulty. When a player hits a ball onto a green, one can imagine some world famous golfer hitting that feeling using words. If you are participating and are challenged by the same obstacles, the same intricacies, you will understand it easily, it is in those moments that the player realizes what truly makes a famous hole.

The last hole, #18 at Caledonian, has a large beautiful pond. The white sand beach bunker abuts the blue crystal water of the pond and reminds me of a Greek myth,
when anyone crosses this white beach, she or he will feel the mistery of life and the real challenges of golf. Other world famous golf course designer will envy me because I have had the opportunity to design a challenging course in such an outstanding environment. Whenever I walk at Caledonian, I sincerely appreciate the guidance of God in creating such a spectacular course.

J.M.POELLOT Golf Design Group, Inc.

Mr.J.Michael Poellot
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